On 26 July, Renjie Xi was invited by Dr Lifeng Zhou to a visit in Health NZ Te Whatu Ora and Northshore Hospital and the symposium hosting a delegation from Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

We had Karanga by Dame Naida Glavish, Chief Māori Advisor, Service Improvement and Innovation (SI&I), Health NZ; an introduction to NZ health system and reform by Dr Dale Bramley, National Director of SI&I and former Chief Executive of Waitematā DHB; a report on integration of Rongoā Maori with Western Medicine, by Dr Helen Wihongi, GM, Māori Health Research and NZ palliative care and hospice, by Samantha Gregory, Northern Region Manager in the Commissioning. Prof Yongjun Wang, VP of SHUTCM, gave a presentation on the recent research outcome on 'Bones and Kidney essence' which draws much attention and discussion on the common grounds between Rongoā Maori and Chinese Medicine in principle and practice.

It was a wonderful event for the potential collaboration including health professional and student exchange programmes. AcNZ is looking forward to deepening our bond with Health NZ in the upcoming CAHRE 2024 Conference in September. Please find more info on the UoA website