From Thursday 16 to Wednesday 23 Nov 2017
StartTime: Wed 22 November 2017 10:00 am
Location: Christchurch
The Venue is: The office reception at The Old (Central New Brighton) School, Te Kura Tawhito, 140 Seaview Road, New Brighton, right next to the Roy Stokes Hall.
Here is a link to The Old School Te Kura Tawhito, on Facebook.
Reception is in the middle of the main office block of the school, and has easy pedestrian access from Seaview road.
For WAAW, we would aim to have the couch clinic open during the day 10-2/3pm and early evenings 4-6/5-7pm on days where there are already established activities in the area such as Thursday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
The venue has rooms available to do a talk. By opening in the evenings, we could catch the night classes - sewing, artist talks, family violence, life drawing, yoga and meditation
The school has many groups operating different classes, and I have listed the current programmes, so if anyone has any speciality skills they'd like to provide (like Tai Qi/Qi gong classes outside on the courts!) you know what else is on.
Wed 22 - sewing group 10am-2pm, Buddhist meditation 6-7:15pm
If you are interested in being involved with the community clinic, please contact Sophie Gold at
the date and time you would be able to participate.
Sophie Gold
Acupuncture Gold