Established in 1977, Acupuncture NZ is the leading professional body representing practitioners of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in New Zealand. A member of the World Federation of Acupuncture Societies (WFAS) , we also have strong affiliations with acupuncture associations in China, Korea, Australia, the United States, Britain and throughout Europe.

Acupuncture NZ is governed by an annually elected Council of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and up to four Member Representatives.

Meet the Board 

President:  Robin Kerr

Vice President: Renjie Jay Xi

Treasurer: Tracey Lindsay

Secretary: Jess Marshall-Behnami

Member Representatives: Huanlin Lynn Huang, Ting Vivian Wang, Qinli Shirley Peng


To become a member of Acupuncture NZ, practitioners need to be registered with the Chinese Medicine Council of New Zealand and hold a current Annual Practicing Certificate (APC) issued by them.

Members of Acupuncture NZ have been accepted by ACC as Treatment Providers since 1990.

All members are bound by the Rules, Clinical Procedures and Safe Clinical Practice and Code of Professional Ethics of our organisation and are required to complete 22 hours continuing professional development (CPD) education each year. Members are required to hold a current first aid certificate in order to maintain their Annual Practising Certificate.

Whilst all members practice acupuncture, many are also trained in Chinese Herbal Medicine and Tuina and may combine these modalities in their daily practice.

Members practice throughout the country in all the main centres and many rural areas. Find a local practitioner close to your home.

The Acupuncture NZ office is located at 30 Queens Drive Kilbirnie, Wellington. The building was purchased on behalf of the members by the Council in 2007. Ownership of this building ensures a strong financial position.